Ssooo..i've been inspired to do a 365 day photo album, one picture a day, for a whole year.
It's a very fun experience running around before and after school trying to take the days picture. This is like "Julie and Julia," because her blog is a year of recipes, except my medium will be pictures.
One of my friends is doing this as well, but on Facebook. Since I cannot "friend" all of you on Facebook, i thought id take a different approach...And blog.

Today's Picture

Today's Picture
Little Compton Rhode Island!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

little compton!

so pretty up here in Rhode Island, clear water, sailboats, chilly weather, wild flowers, the ocean! its all soo pretty! definitely an awesome vacation destination

Monday, July 23, 2012

2 years of One Direction!

today 2 years ago One Direction was formed and they are so amazing and wonderful...heres the first photo of them as a group...
from left to right at top..
Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan.
Harry Styles, Zayn Malik. 

love you boys!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


For fourth of July I decided to make a red and blue (raspberry and blueberry) pie! With pills bury crust and cut out stars:)

Monday, July 2, 2012

brighten up any outfit with...

-bright/fun colors&prints
-nail polish!
-rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings/cuffs
-head bands and hippie bands, hats!

     Its summer! have a fun wardrobe! right now the "Aztec" look is in, this just means cool geometrical shapes with some feathers have been printed on many a T-shirt. If you don't wanna look like a wanna be 21st century Aztecian, then i totally feel ya, but the clothing industry does not. SO if you wanna wear something else then here are some accessories that go with the current trend and that wont leave you looking like an Aztec...
     You can still wear fun colors and patterns without looking like a near extinct Native Mexican race. Target and TJ Maxx are great for having cute clothes that are not with the current trend. I recently got a shirt from TJ Maxx that is red with whit polka dots, and the back is lace. Very cute and stylish but not Aztec. Also Target there are very cute tops that are fun floral and open sleeves so you can wear a cute bandeau (from Aerie). Tube tops are also sneaking back in! those tend to be just a solid color so you cant go wrong there...unless your a whale, in which case PLEASE do not wear one.
     Nail Polish is a great way to add a pop of color to your look with out going overboard. I am currently sporting a bright yellow that is a fun summer color! Painting your nails also takes only about 10 minutes, so its super easy. Since I am not ambidextrous, it takes about 2 minutes to do my left hand and about 10 minutes to do my right hand. But if you get a fun color then its worth it! right now nail art is also really big, and I don't mean stick-ons (those are really bad for your nails).
     Ribbons and feathers are really fun and there are a lot of extensions you can get to make your hair look fun. I have a few feather clip-ins and I love them..i have two peacock feathers and one of just natural looking ones. They are really easy to make yourself though if your the crafty type. All you need is a thin strip of leather, an alligator clip (to clip into your hair) and some feathers and wire and glue. (There are tons of YouTube videos too!) and when I say ribbons, i mean use them braided in your hair, not like with pig tails. If you can do a fishtail braid then I just add a thin piece of fun ribbon in and it actually looks kinda cool and really creative!
     I am a total ring junkie! Honestly I have too many, and my obsession is probably really unhealthy:). Oh well, Silver rings are the coolest. I have a lot of rings and bracelets made out of forks and spoons, and they are in my opinion the coolest, and they look totally artsy with any outfit. Necklaces are also awesome, you have to know how to wear them though. Sometimes you need a short necklace, and sometimes long ones work better, right now its all about layering necklaces. So find a few that look good together and work it! Earrings and ear cuffs! I do not have my ears pierced..I dunno why, but at age 16 I just don't feel the need to add holes to my ears. So i find vintage ear clips and there awesome! go to a local antique shop and you'll be surprised, I promise:). Also ear cuffs are totally stylish and slowly but surely getting bigger. I recently made a few out of paperclips and pliers but you can also buy them at some stores, mostly online ones. if you don't have an Etsy account, then you need one..if you have one then look at all the cool ear cuffs and clips!
     Head bands and Hippie Bands! although i wear some headbands during the school year, in the summer i have a fascination with hippie bands even though i don't have any..Yeah, yeah I no, i should get some but it's hard to find the right one so I plan on making one..or two:). They only looks good with certain outfits and looks but once you find one that fits, your golden! Hats! hats! hats! I love hats, i steal my moms' hats, but I don't have enough attitude to actually pull on off so i don't wear it in public haha:)

happy july!

happy july!!! so its the month of eating watermelon, wearing red white and blue in every combo of stripes, plaid and stars. the month were in the community of Bay Ridge in Annapolis, they have a float parade on the 4th, and every street has a different theme that they make, they put the float together the week before and all the kids get on it and throw candy and squirt people with water guns....fun right? The floats are on boat trailers and we parade down the street and then there is a cook-out and theres tons of food and fun. Theres a watermelon eating contest and a pie eating contest..we have egg tosses and relay races..and if you know a man named Rick who lives on East Lake, then you know that he makes crab cakes, then puts them in the back of a crab and then deep fries them-yeah it is AWESOME. Then at the end of the day everybody goes down to the beach, builds driftwood bonfires and all look to the north west, were the Naval Academy is and we all wait for the fireworks which will light up the sky with blues, reds, greens and every other color that can be fit into a burst of fiery light.

my cousins and I experimented with red lipstick and black and white photos. Here are some of mine, hope you like them..