Ssooo..i've been inspired to do a 365 day photo album, one picture a day, for a whole year.
It's a very fun experience running around before and after school trying to take the days picture. This is like "Julie and Julia," because her blog is a year of recipes, except my medium will be pictures.
One of my friends is doing this as well, but on Facebook. Since I cannot "friend" all of you on Facebook, i thought id take a different approach...And blog.

Today's Picture

Today's Picture
Little Compton Rhode Island!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

soo..im in hilton head island, sc and im here with my dad and his side of the family, my mom didnt come cuz my parents are “separated” and so im gonna share with you the pictures and the experiences that i will share with her at the end of the week, miss u momma momma <3.
 with my cousins we have done a lot of crazy things..all fun and totally part of growing up and..expressing yourself. we have dyed r hair with Kool-Aid and conditioner, which works really well actually and we have stayed up till 2:45, which was crazy in itself and i pretended to be asleep while they talked about noodles and past with butter...i dont even pretend to understand that ;). i love them though <3. We ride our bikes on the beach and on the golf course “after-hours” and we, or i, i should say attempt to do round-offs, they can both do round-off backhand springs..which i cannot even begin to imagine and we look for shark teeth in a never ending battle, of who will find the first, last and just who can find the most. never me by the way, but its fun coming home with back pain ;). haha..yeah right. we walk and talk and in the morning we untangle blue and red dyed hair that has been in plastic wrap all night. We draw on paper plates with sharpies, we take some pictures..okay a lot of pictures. we have gotten “hushed” and “shushed” so many times we dont even bother trying to keep count. we trade off who gets the mattress on the floor, who gets first, second and third for the shower and who goes first when we dye our hair..which has happened every night so far:). 
 We have fun. we skimboard..or attempt to anyway, we have ridden our bikes to the general store and gotten ice cream, (or icee’s:) stolen bottle caps and laughed at our little cousin trying to dance. w snuck out of the house through the garage window and ran around in the rain, with nothing but gym shorts and sports bras on..(not my idea) in that order, and taken pictures, our reasoning being; why not? i got my first pair of TOMS, after wanting a pair for so long, and we get tattoos. not the permanent kind, but the summer kind, hennas. my two cousins got airbrushed flowers and seahorses with swirls and i got a henna swirly thing. we went into sea shell shops and drove in circles, trying to find our dads on the golf course. while looking for shark teeth, we saw to boys, who i guess u could say ‘checked us out’ because there were walking, but they literally saw us and then went and sat down in a tide pool, trying not to notice that we kept on walking, sat down and for some odd reason wrote our phone numbers..when we got up to leave so did they, without even looking at the #’ which is probably for the best. to learn the raps to songs and listen to Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and about every other artist known to man..which consumes a lot of time, let me tell you. we take silly photos on Photo Booth and change profile pictures and update statuses about every five minutes. we watched the Bachelorette, Tangled and Big Time Rush-scratch that, they watched Big Time Rush, i had nothing to do with that.i slammed my elbow into a door and it still now hurts, 5hrs later.  tomorrow we will go horseback riding and parasailing, the latter, terrifying and i might die of an anxiety attack, but at least i will get to ride (a horse) and we all have so many memories and thats awesome. so now i am tired, sandy, will probably need some sort of back brace from looking for sharks teeth and an elbow brace, (if they even make them) i have blue and red, pink hair and am henna dyed. but even though only one other person, (my mom) will see this because she has a blog, its still nice to write about things, it lets you relive the moment and remember what you were thinking the moment that you took that one awesome picture.  

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