Ssooo..i've been inspired to do a 365 day photo album, one picture a day, for a whole year.
It's a very fun experience running around before and after school trying to take the days picture. This is like "Julie and Julia," because her blog is a year of recipes, except my medium will be pictures.
One of my friends is doing this as well, but on Facebook. Since I cannot "friend" all of you on Facebook, i thought id take a different approach...And blog.

Today's Picture

Today's Picture
Little Compton Rhode Island!

Monday, July 2, 2012

happy july!

happy july!!! so its the month of eating watermelon, wearing red white and blue in every combo of stripes, plaid and stars. the month were in the community of Bay Ridge in Annapolis, they have a float parade on the 4th, and every street has a different theme that they make, they put the float together the week before and all the kids get on it and throw candy and squirt people with water guns....fun right? The floats are on boat trailers and we parade down the street and then there is a cook-out and theres tons of food and fun. Theres a watermelon eating contest and a pie eating contest..we have egg tosses and relay races..and if you know a man named Rick who lives on East Lake, then you know that he makes crab cakes, then puts them in the back of a crab and then deep fries them-yeah it is AWESOME. Then at the end of the day everybody goes down to the beach, builds driftwood bonfires and all look to the north west, were the Naval Academy is and we all wait for the fireworks which will light up the sky with blues, reds, greens and every other color that can be fit into a burst of fiery light.

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